
Contacts for suppliers

Dear supplier, if you want information or establish contact with our purchasing and supplies areas, then we put at your disposal our directory.

Purchases of raw materials

(Granos, Forrajes y
Alimento para Ganado)
667 759 26 00 Ext. 2619 materias.primas@sukarne.com

Vehicle and fuel maintenance services

667 759 26 00 Ext. 6026 mantenimineto.vehiculos@sukarne.com

Purchases of medicines for livestock

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2786 compras.medicamentos@sukarne.com

Import and export services

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2604 importacion.exportacion@sukarne.com

Live cattle purchases

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2786 compras.ganado@sukarne.com

Projects, construction and equipment

667 759 26 00 Ext. 6087 proyectos.construccion@sukarne.com

Refrigerated freight services in Mexico

667 160 02 23 Ext. 2008 servicio.flete@sukarne.com

Accommodation and flight services

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2066 servicio.hospedaje@sukarne.com

Refrigerated freight services outside of Mexico

667 160 02 23 Ext. 2008 servicio.flete@sukarne.com

Raw material freight service

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2770 flete.materias@sukarne.com

Purchases of goods and services in general

667 759 26 00 Ext. 6086 compras.servicios@sukarne.com

Livestock freight services

667 160 02 23 Ext. 2008 servicio.flete@sukarne.com

Debts to pay

(Dudas y aclaraciones de pago de facturas, quejas de proveedores)
01 800 841 0727

Fresh meat purchases (beef, chicken, pork, fish)

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2773 compras.carne@sukarne.com

SuKarne Portal Support

(Receipt of electronic invoices)
01 800 838 7070
667 759 26 00 Ext. 2719 facturacion.proveedores@sukarne.com
01 800 838 7070
667 759 26 00 Ext. 2719

Packaging material and ingredient purchases

667 759 26 00 Ext. 2070 compras.empaque@sukarne.com